Tag: self-improvement

EP 149: Pips of Cups

EP 149: Pips of Cups

Our final instalment about the pips of cups!
Silly chat about our lives.

7:51  The Bonfire

10ish  Ace
13:00  2 of Cups
16:35 some definitions
22:0 3 of cups
24 50 ish short story about fairies
25 – 4 of cups
29 5 of Cups
3250 ish
39-40 6 of cups
44 ish 8 of cups
49 nine of cups
53 10 of cups
Discussion of relationships … in relationship with this card
Page of cups  59 minutes
1:05 Knight of Cups
King 1:11
1:16 ish SPARKS
A little shy about doing this but – US -Specifically our Book of Shadow Class outside of Patreon – find the link in our LinkTree
Thank you ANNIE

Land Acknowledgment

Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 

How To Reach Us

Join us for fun posts, extra materials, spells, and lots of fun stuff at 

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Cawnawyn Mor Our awesome in-house astrologer! You can catch her once a month on the podcast! But always on Instagram…provided there isn’t an outage….

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