Ep 188: Mundane and Magical Resources In Times of Fascism

Ep 188: Mundane and Magical Resources In Times of Fascism


9:45 ish Library / Bonfire Combined

10:30 Corey talks about how to source your news, resources, and information

Mundane world

Tips for staying involved without getting overwhelmed

23:10 Detta Starts with Mundane Resources and Moves to Magical Resources

24 ish – entering Marginalized Spaces

25:40 ish DE-Centering

26:50 ish – Different ways to be an activist and protest other than protesting on the street

32:00 Resistance Resources that Are Joy Based Resitsance

32: 50 ish Magical Resources

33:25 Books on Magical Protection

36: 40 ish – When we lived through this before

37: 00 Magical Based Mundane Resources

Some of the Mundane – is magic…. After The Underground

Urging to do your own research

The I, Detta gets a little preachy about the opressor.. Sorry 39- 41ish

More ideas for community resources

42 ish Social Media…

45:50 ish SPARKS

Gabrielle The Chaotic Forager ( Puerto Rican American)

Root Craft Herbalism

PBS News

Waging Non Violence

Diana Rajchel  Witch and author 

Amy Blackthorn on Tik Tok  

Witch and Author Books By her here on Bookshop dot org 

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