Ep 7: Samhain Series Part 1 – Warding

Ep 7: Samhain Series Part 1 – Warding

Today is all about Wards! It is the first in 2020 Samhain Series

We answer a question from a listener! Right after that we briefly talk about the loss of Chrissy Teigan's miscarriage. We do not go into details but we send our love and support. Here are some links for all you mom ( and dads) who may have had a similar devastating loss.
Link 1 is an individual group This link to Hope after Loss lists several reputable groups.
Then Witches – we talk Apotropaic Symbols and Magic, warding, the Good Neighbors, Witch bottles, and yes – bodily fluids. It is a fun chat around the Bonfire so grab your smores and join us! Corey also mentions an article in case you want to check it out on Gaia about Apotropaic Magic
Every week we want to shout out who or what is inspiring us and share them with you so you can see if these things “spark” your interest.
This week's Sparks
Corey: Witchery by Juliet Diaz Instagram @Iamjulietdiaz
Bradetta: Ayla Nereo on Spotify  Ayla Nereo Website
Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit https://www.realrentduwamish.org

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