Ep 14: Candle Magic, Witches!

Ep 14: Candle Magic, Witches!

As we are halfway through the waning sun cycle – halfway to the Winter Solstice, Yule, Return of the Sun WHERE IS THE LIGHT!? Well – it is a great time for Candle Magic. But seriously Candle Magic is always in season.

Today we talk about our obsession of candles themselves but also some candle magic.

*Disclaimer / Fire Safety!

When burning candles or using any flame PLEASE practice fire safety. Have water or a fire extinguisher or if you are using oil have baking soda, sand or dirt close by you as it will act similar to a kitchen fire.


Every week we want to shout out who or what is inspiring us and share them with you so you can see if these things “spark” your interest. This week:


The Sage Stone and Candle 


Ravensong Seed and Herbal 

Any time of year – especially in these pandemic times Mental health, Food Security, and Rent security could be an issue no matter WHO you are. There is no shame in reaching out. Here are some resources that may be helpful. They will be posted on our website and links via Linktree on our Instagram.https

Food banks in your area

Gov treasury

SNAP Program

Trans and Indigenous Resources and Celebration! Because Marginalized people are not just their trauma! 

Trans Celebration and Resources
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women USA

Support Black Trans Folks

Support Trans Folks


Support Black Trans Folks

Warrior Women Project

Trans Theatre – Create stories, watch stories be the center of the story!

PFLAG Resources

I Am Jazz 

Indigenous Celebrations and Resources


American Indian College Fund

Zinn Education Project 

The Longhouse Project ( Seattle Specific so come visit when it is safe!)

The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open – Film

Certain Women – Film

Lots of Great Indigenous films AND this website? ONE of the Best!
Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life giving energy they provide. To learn more Visit Duwamish People and Real Rent
You can find us on Instagram
Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast

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