Tag: Tarot Astrology

146: Pips Of Swords

146: Pips Of Swords

We are back to the Pips!

Pips of Swords

3:20 Ace of Swords
8:00 2 of Swords
11:20 ish 3 of swords
4 … is somewhere in here….
20:00. 5 of Swords
26:00  6 of swords
30:24.   7 of swords
34:24.    8 of Swords
38:10 –    9 of swords
42:05 10
Somewhere between these…Paige of Swords
Knight of Swords 52: 20

Land Acknowledgment

Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 

How To Reach Us

Join us for fun posts, extra materials, spells, and lots of fun stuff at 

Bonfire Babble Witches on Patreon 

You can find us on Instagram

Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast

Bonfire Babble TikTok

Cawnawyn Mor Our awesome in-house astrologer! You can catch her once a month on the podcast! But always on Instagram…provided there isn’t an outage….

If you like us – and you are on Apple Podcast – we would love it if you gave us a 5-star rating and if you have time – a short review! Thanks so much for listening!

Ep 30: Taressa from Warrior, Goddess, Witchcraft

Ep 30: Taressa from Warrior, Goddess, Witchcraft

We have the honor of talking with Taressa from Warrior, Goddess, Witchcraft on Instagram. 

We talk about how we connected, some similarities, and her upcoming classes on and about – following a Warrior, Goddess, Witchcraft path. We are VERY excited to have you meet her!

You can also find Taressa on her website 

Don't forget to use Bonfire10 for a 10% discount on her classes!



are sending up Amy Blackthorn! 

Her books Botanical Magic, Sacred Smoke, and Botanical Brews are delightful. Check her out!

Land Acknowledgment

Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 

How To Reach Us

You can find us on Instagram


Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast

If you like us – and you are on Apple Podcast – we would love it if you gave us a 5-star rating and if you have time – a short review! Thanks so much for listening!


Ep 29: Spring Equinox

Ep 29: Spring Equinox

We covered the Wiccan Holiday Ostara in our Wheel of the Year Episode AND Detta makes a Gerald Gardner update!

We talk the Spring Equinox, Ostara, Gardnarians, Chenoweth, and Sorkin, Detta gives a practice your intuition quiz. There are some correspondences, ideas for how to celebrate. We are practicing “doing the work” did the work and do right by Y'all. It's a huge magic-filled spring episode.

Some major sparks are flying out today.

We both want to encourage you to get out there and activate your magical activism. We hope you are well.



Beyond The Gender Binary on Bookshop.org ( support your local bookstore this way!) 



I am Sparking Theresa Reed at The Tarot Lady

But I must include the wonderful community I have found there. I look forward to the readings and seeing Theresa every morning – so much I am a part of her patreon- but also the wonderful humans I have met!


https://www.instagram.com/ brujalili.tarot/


https:// www.instagram.com/ heartchakratarot/


www.instagram.com/ goldencard29/







I KNOW I have forgotten people buy – to all of you – you have enriched my life SO MUCH!

Ep 28: Spell Work: Blessings and Boundaries

Ep 28: Spell Work: Blessings and Boundaries

We recorded this Episode on February 22nd, 2021

We have a therapy update, we talk about some foundations for spell work, We got your substitutions, Elemental, Gesture Work – just pulling out the old energy ball and forget the rest, we got the Witch that inspired Stevie Nick's Signature look – ok we don't HAVE Her – but we talk about Laurie Cabot and we will be posting some links to those books on Instagram.

Then we have two full spells for you.

If you are a new witch – please do not skip the chat about meditation and you may want to check out our previous Extra-Sode on Casting a Circle ( about 10 minutes), and Raising Energy episode that talks about some foundations for spell work.



Half Hippy Life



Stay Woke Tarot 

Land Acknowledgment

Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 

How To Reach Us

You can find us on Instagram


Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast

If you like us – and you are on Apple Podcast – we would love it if you gave us a 5-star rating and if you have time – a short review! Thanks so much for listening!

Ep: 27 Mj Cullinane – The Crow Tarot and ROAR

Ep: 27 Mj Cullinane – The Crow Tarot and ROAR

We don't usually do two interviews in a row but we could NOT wait any longer to share this episode with you. The Crow Deck Tarot is how I discovered MJ ( or… Margaux!). But there is also A new deck you MUST SEE and every adult and kids alike – should own this deck ROAR. The story of how the Crow Deck came to be is AWE. INSPIRING.
Manifestation, Crows, and everything in-between

Listen on dear ones, then check out MJ Cullinane's Website for the above decks and more!

Next week we have some spells for you to take and make your own! Until then – check us out on Instagram @bonfirebabblepodcast

**17:00 ish – 18:30ish some talk of Bodies and Dysphoria

( Book Rec – Cameryn Manheim – Wake up I'm Fat)

** Zoom recording – Hey all – we are still figuring out our interview sound quality – it doesn't suck – but it isn't our usual level of control. But in case you notice – we are working on it!



ROAR Deck 

Kathrine Bueche


@Gabi_e on Instagram 

Land Acknowledgment

Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 

How To Reach Us

You can find us on Instagram


Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast

If you like us – and you are on Apple Podcast – we would love it if you gave us a 5-star rating and if you have time – a short review! Thanks so much for listening!

Ep 26: Cawnawyn Mor- Astrologer and Composer

Ep 26: Cawnawyn Mor- Astrologer and Composer

We had a BLAST talking music, astrology and tarot with the amazing Cawnawyn Mor – Astrologer and composer. She has an exciting announcement about a creation that will be available to everyone soon so you will want to listen. Cawnawyn will be making a monthly appearance with an astrology update here on Bonfire Babble, but today, sit back and get ready to learn all about her, discover music and resources for everything astrology-related!

Carly Smashes Ivory – You Tube

Cawnawyn Mor / Carly Smashes Ivory

Cawnawyn Mor Instagram

Astrology Resources

Soul Navigation
Astrology Hub
Rick Levine
Norwac Astrology Conference

Time Passages

Music Resources

Lunasa Youtube

Tvinna band

Land Acknowledgment

Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 

How To Reach Us

You can find us on Instagram


Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast

If you like us – and you are on Apple Podcast – we would love it if you gave us a 5-star rating and if you have time – a short review! Thanks so much for listening!

Ep 25: Deity Spotlight: Working with Deities

Ep 25: Deity Spotlight: Working with Deities

Folks this is a long one and a bit vulnerable. We are sharing some personal experiences here that hopefully will be useful in your own journey and/or established practice.

This was recorded A bit ago… before snow LoL oh Me (Detta) of little Faith – if you have seen our Instagram – you know.

Let me give you some quick program notes, the song list so to speak for you theatre peeps.

2:10 Quick note on Cultural Appropriation – what it is, what it isn't

3:23 White sage – Who it is for

3:44 Sacred Smoke _ Amy Blackthorn

And as Corey says: Not being an appropriating Tool is not Gatekeeping” T-shirts are being made 😉

5:00 moving on – Some Babble

8:00 Right to the Bonfire!

How to decide If and Who – Deities

The Morrigan and Detta and the Morrigan

20:10 Corey and Lyssa

26:18 First mention of the Astral plane….

27:15 Psychic? Prophecy?Dreams?  – All of the above!

First story Detta was asked to share

28:50 ish – mental health and astral work are different

30:01 – Loki

39:10 SHORT tangent on the Good Men and New Narratives We want to tell!

42:15 More babble and why this Diety conversation

48ish Preamble to – First story: A Prophecy experience- the first sign of the Morrigan in Detta's life in retrospect. Corey and I talk about the differences between types of dreams.

56:ish – A visit with a Spirit, a ghost, a departed, a used to be here.

58:40 ish back to dreams

64:48 The Goddess Said So – Last story about astral work Corey makes a discovery!

67: ish – Corey talks personal path work

68ish – Goddess appearance…

Some babble and Summing it up. THEN

71:12 Sparks!


Dianne Bond Yoga

Two Black Girls Talk About Everything


Courtney Webber
That Witch Life Podcast 
Catland Books

Land Acknowledgment
Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 
How To Reach Us
You can find us on Instagram
Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast
If you like us – and you are on Apple Podcast – we would love it if you gave us a 5-star rating and if you have time – a short review! Thanks so much for listening!

Ep 24: Fez Inkwright Author of Botanical Curses and Poisons

Ep 24: Fez Inkwright Author of Botanical Curses and Poisons

We have an amazing Hangout – because that it is what it felt like – with Fez Inkwright, Author of Botanical Curses and Poisons: The Shadow Lives Of Plants and Folk Magic and Healing: The Unusual History of Everyday Plants

Oh – right did we mention she is wicked talented and does all of her own illustrations – because she is and she does.

We talk dream gardens, underrated plants, history of poisons and plants, books! We hope you have as much fun listening as we had hanging out with Fez.


Corey and Detta are both sending sparks to her today because there is so much wonderfulness!

Check out some of her work on her Instagram

The Seed and The Sickle is the new GORGEOUS Oracle Deck 

available for pre-order.

Liminal 11 is one places you can buy her books

Botanical Curses and Poisons: The Shadow Lives Of Plants and

Folk Magic and Healing: The Unusual History of Everyday Plants 


She has a store https://www.crowandcrown.store that dot store is crucial or you go to the wrong place.

She also runs a D&D game Y'all. But not publically. Trust me. I asked.
Land Acknowledgment
Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 
You can find us on Instagram
Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast
If you like us – and you are on Apple Podcast – we would love it if you gave us a 5-star rating and if you have time – a short review! Thanks so much for listening!

Ep 23: The Season of Aquarius with Guest Cawnawynmor

Ep 23: The Season of Aquarius with Guest Cawnawynmor

Happy Imbolc everyone. For info on this awesome holiday check out last week's episode!

TODAY though We talk all things, Corey! Well, Aquarius – and Corey happens to be an Aquarius!

We also have for the first time – guest astronomer Cawnawynmor! You will meet her in all her glory later in February! But today she appears at 37:07


Corey's Sparks


Detta's Sparks


Home Page

Land Acknowledgment
Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 
You can find us on Instagram
Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast
If you like us – and you are on Apple Podcast – we would love it if you gave us a 5-star rating and if you have time – a short review! Thanks so much for listening!

Ep 22: Imbolc

Ep 22: Imbolc

It is one of my favorite holidays! I think I have to admit they are all my favorites. We have a correction from last week, some moving talk about plants, some history, some celebration and some fun sparks. We hope you enjoy the latest episode!


Every week we want to shout out who or what is inspiring us and share them with you so you can see if these things “spark” your interest. This week:
Corey's SparksSaturday Morning Tuesdays
found at


Deluxe Moon  

They can also be found on Google Play and the Apple App Store
Land Acknowledgment
Bonfire Babble Podcast recognizes that we live and record on the traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe. We Honor Their past and present stewardship of the beautiful land and the life-giving energy they provide. To learn more about the Duwamish People and Real Rent visit their site! 
You can find us on Instagram
Facebook at Bonfire Babble Podcast
If you like us – and you are on Apple Podcast – we would love it if you gave us a 5-star rating and if you have time – a short review! Thanks so much for listening!